Mario de Lucio's website


I am a Research Scientist in the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering at Purdue University working with Prof. Pavlos Vlachos and Prof. Hector Gomez.

I consider myself a computational mechanician, I develop new modeling and computer-based simulation techniques to address real-world problems in mechanical and biomedical engineering. The core of my research philosophy lies in bridging the gap between computational theory and practical application. I am interested in tailoring computational models to capture the complex dynamics occurring at the intersection between biology and mechanics, providing insights that are not easily attainable through experimental methods alone.

In my PhD thesis, I focused on the transport and mechanical processes behind subcutaneous injection for self-administration of biotherapeutics, particularly monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). My research developed a high-fidelity computational framework to study large-volume subcutaneous injection of mAbs, combining large-deformation mechanics, and porous media flow with drug transport and absorption. My simulations provided essential insights into improving subcutaneous drug administration and developing patient-centered injection devices and techniques.


Selected publications

    Hao Wang, Mario de Lucio, Tianyi Hu, Yu Leng, and 1 more author
    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2024